I’m Jia Jiang

I am the author of Rejection Proof (#1 bestseller on Audible), an award winning speaker (Toastmaster Golden Gavel Award 2019) with a popular TED talk, the owner of Rejection Therapy, and the creator of the Sisyphi Camps. I write and create products to help people become their best selves. I also speak at organizations and conventions on overcoming rejection.

I love sports, life-hacking experiments, and being Tracy’s husband. I am not a fan of eggplants.

Things I love other than helping you be better

Life hacking

I see life as a piece of chicken. It could be yummy or yucky, depending on how you cook it. And if you find a great recipe or wonderful ingredient, life can become a masterpiece. I do everything possible to make my life more fun, meaningful and productive. From work to parenting to love, everything can be done better.

Audiobooks and podcasts

As a lifelong ADHD person, I no longer have the ability to read. But I listen like a bat in a cave. My favorite books are Predictably Irrational, Good to Great, The War of Art, Influence, Made to Stick, etc. For podcasts, I am listening to Hardcore History, Lenny’s Podcast, Plain English, Y Combinator, and The Tim Ferriss Show.


Sometimes I wish I never like sports, since I spend hours, hours... and hours on it, both playing and watching. But other times, I can’t imagine life without it. Watching wise, I follow Duke basketball, BYU football, and the Boston Celtics. Playing wise, I am a local rec league coach/player, visualizing myself as Steve Nash.


Since I was a teenager, I had dreamt of becoming the next Bill Gates. At 36, I dramatically scaled down that dream. Now I just want to be the high-tech version of Dale Carnegie, no big deal. Seriously speaking, my goal is to use technology and content to push human performance and productivity. The entrepreneurial journey goes on.


A secret obsession of mine: eating as much as possible and as well as possible while maintaining the same number when I step on the scale. It’s a daily battle worth fighting for. My favorite foods are hotpot, dumplings, pho, Kimchee fried rice, and Peking duck. My secret weapons are Peloton, basketball, and drinking water. Oh, I freaking hate eggplant.


As a follower of Christ, my faith and church are central to my life. The world could be a stormy sea, a beautiful hike, or a bloody battlefield. It doesn’t matter. The anchor of my journey is my faith in God. He is my Savior, inspiration, hope, and Father in Heaven.

Sisyphi - Accountability Camps that will change your life

  • A virtual accountability partner - Daily check-ins with Jia and team to develop habits, achieve goals and become the best version of yourself.

  • A newsletter - Exclusive in-depth and no BS content on tools and ideas from Jia. 

  • A community - Campers give each other inspiration, ideas, and support in member-only Slack group.